Monday, December 1, 2008

  1. Vikings: norway, Finland, Sweden; pre-christianity=pagan, heathens; cold harsh climates, sea culture; pessimists/fatalists
  2. Ginnungagap: dark void
  3. Nifleheim: land of fog and ice.
  4. Muspellheim: land of fire.
  5. Yggdrasil: world ash tree (the universe) has three worlds or different sections to it.
  6. Asgard: home of the gods; very top of the tree.
  7. Midgard: middle section where the humans lived.
  8. Hel: home of the dead.
  9. Bifrost Bridge: known as the divine bridge it connects the humans to the gods; often depicted as being a rainbow.
  10. Ymir: frost giant who was wild, fierce, and evil. He was the one that was killed or sacrificed and his body parts became the different parts of the earth.
  11. Odin: oldest and greatest god. God of gods and humans. Valhalla- Great hall. He is like Zeus and Jupiter.
  12. Frigg: Odins wife, cloud spinner, most beautiful, Domains= love, destiny and marriage. Is like Hera and Juno.
  13. The Valkyries: Daughters of Odin, "Choosers of Slain."
  14. The Norns: Fate maidens, Urd-past, Verdandi-present, Skuld-future
  15. Thor: The Warrior Son; Strongest son of Odin. Domains= thunder, battle, and fertility. Fierce temper. Mjollnir is his hammer. Chariot pulled by goats.
  16. Balder: Beloved son. God of radiance, rebirth, justice, and light. Beautiful. Killed by Loki.
  17. Njord: Domains= wind and sea. Patron of sailors. Resemblance of Poseidon and Neptune.
  18. Frey: God of Fertility, Prosperity, Sun and rain. (Apollo)
  19. Freya: Goddess of Love, Fertility, Beauty, magic, War, and death.
  20. Idunn: Odins daughter-in-law. Goddess of youth. Keeper of the golden apples (youth)
  21. Loki: Son of Giants. Half blood god: mixed blood with Odin, magic powers. Trickster: cunning and deceitful, many disguises. Evil.
  22. Fenrir: child of Loki. "The Wolf Destroyer."
  23. Jormungandr: World Serpent. Child of Loki.
  24. Ragnarok: Final Battle. Loki and his children vs. the Gods of Asgard, humans. Good will fail.
  25. Runes: symbols engraved in peices of wood or rock. Used to answer questions about ones journey or life.

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