Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A myth is a societies belief of occurrences in the past or present that cannot be proven. They may also be religious tales or moral stories. An example of a myth is the creation of earth and the heavens that they cannot prove exactly how it was created but they have different beliefs that it comes from an egg being split.

A hero is the founder of something new like a new age, city or way of life. Heroes are depicted as being imperfect, unique, and in a sense are somewhat human. Hercules is an example of a hero.

On a hero journey a hero is being sent on a journey that has trials, battles, and obstacles in it. There are stages in a heroes journey that involve his or her call to adventure, their initiation into another world, companions and friends along for support and advice. They also have a supernatural guide to turn to, and then at the end there is an ultimate battle that is followed by a transformation of some sort, a death and rebirth, and then a boon. For example Hercules 12 trials is a hero journey.

For something to be universal it has to be representative to everyone or be known worldwide. The thought of entertainment is universal because everyone has there way of being entertained.

An archetype is a structure of foundation or the original model. There are three archetypes of a hero and they are cultural, trickster, and human. There are also three archetypes of creation and they are a watery abyss, void, and egg.

To be cyclical means something runs in a continuous pattern or in a cycle. The Sun God Ra was cyclical he had a continuous pattern that he followed every day and night.

Duality is the quality of opposites existing in a whole. Like everything has its pros and cons. For example, love, when you are in love you feel great and alive and that nothing could go wrong but love can also hurt when you have a broken heart.

Creation is the start or the beginning or origin. In most myths the beginning is sometimes portrayed as a dark, watery abyss or an egg that splits in two and the top and bottom form the heavens and the earth.

Cosmology is the study of the world or universe.

Life from death means that when one thing dies something else is born or given life. A modern example is when a mother dies in childbirth and her baby lives or a mythological example is when one god dies or is sacrificed his or her parts are sectioned off to create other beings.

Matriarchal is the foundation of female power or mother rules. An example of mother rule is with the mother earth.

Patriarchal is the foundation of male power or father rules. An example of father rule is father sky.

A sacrifice can be a tribute to a god or giving something up for the greater good. For example if you go without eating high sugar foods so that you don’t die.

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